The pinnacle of potential.

Artist Canvas

Geared for your next artistic vision, our canvases are perfect for a range of mediums and ensure an impeccable paint finish. Choose from quality cotton duck, a poly-cotton blend, or pure linen. Coupled with secure back-stapling and robust, warp-resistant frames, our canvases guarantee your artworks remain radiant for the long haul.

The Pinnacle of Potential.

The Blank Canvas Collection.

Art begins with an idea, a spark, and a blank canvas. Our Blank Canvas Collection is designed for artists who seek the finest quality and a pristine foundation upon which to breathe life into their visions.


Raw Canvas.

From reducing waste to using eco-friendly materials, every little step counts. At Left Bank Art Group, we're committed to making a difference. Join us on this green journey, where artistry meets responsibility, and let's make a lasting impact together!

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"Raw Canvas is highly efficient and adaptive to my artistic needs"

In the past, I took to priming both the front and back of my canvases to fend off moisture and the front to avoid painting on a stark white surface. However, after integrating this product into my process, I've reaped the benefit of substantial time-saving. This versatile solution offers a dual advantage: I can either apply two layers of clear, non-yellowing primer to maintain the canvas's raw appeal or opt to prime it in my chosen hue. Highly efficient and adaptive to my artistic needs.

I highly recommend this archival product.

Dylan Cooper. Artist

Yes, we offer custom sizing to meet the unique needs of our customers. Please provide the dimensions you're interested in, and we'll be happy to assist you further!

Yes, all our canvases are pre-primed with an archival-quality primer, with the exception of our raw canvas, which remains unprimed.

We strive to dispatch orders within 24-48 hours. If you'd rather collect your order in person, please indicate this in the order notes, and we'll have it ready for you!


Get in touch with Kaity.

Meet Kaitlyn our Artist Production Manager. Email Kaity to discuss how Left Bank works together with Artists.

Email Kaity