Dive into the possibilities of our flat-bed printer by printing your own custom tiles! Main Beach Fish Grotto is the newest restaurant to open its doors at Main Beach and have leveraged the power of our 2.5m wide HP Latex legend. To create a polished and beautiful experience for their customers, they printed directly onto Tile Cloud tiles producing a series of eye-catching visual features throughout the space.

This sculptural printing application within a retail space is a contemporary way of keeping true to the restaurant’s sea theme while reimagining the possibilities of print. The revolutionary Hewlett Packard R2000 flatbed printer can print onto both rigid and flexible materials including timber, acrylic, glass, aluminium, rubber, tiles and various other textiles up to 5cm thick. Consider how you might be able to apply your brand identity to different materials in your physical space.
We’re excited to discover what our new technology can do for future clients!